Top 8 Abandoned Game Series
Added: 04.09.2013 21:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
411mania - From Legend of Dragoon and Jet Grind Radio to Jade Cocoon, Battle Arena Toshinden and more, 411's Marc Morrison counts down the top 8 abandoned video game series.
| Smashmuck Champions - Preview
Added: 02.09.2013 2:27 | 44 views | 0 comments
Safe place.
Why do Dota 2 players have to be so mean to me? So what if I don't know what I'm doing? So what if your precious stats might suffer a blemish, why don't you try teaching me how to play instead of screaming in the text chat? The same goes for the League of Legends community. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games (or MOBA games) have very recently caught fire and exploded in popularity, but the highly competitive nature of MOBAs typically ends in hurt feelings. Thankfully Smashmuck Champions is here to change all that.
While I've dabbled only lightly in Dota 2 or League of Legends, I doubt I'll ever want to go back. Even if I could grasp the controls and strategies involved in holding down the jungle or even just keeping a left lane safe, the communities are so full of vile and unfriendly gamers that it'd be a short lived stay regardless. Where some MOBA games seem to cultivate this anti-newb sentiment, Smashmuck Champions aims to buck the trend by streamlining combat and lowering the stakes.
The first step Kiz Studios took to accomplish this was to greatly lower the time commitment it takes to play a full match. While a game of Dota 2 or LoL might take 20-30 minutes to finish, even if your team is getting destroyed, Smashmuck only asks for 10 minutes of your time. Getting into a match and completing one on the show floor at only took about 15 minutes and that was with a few minutes left on the clock for the gamer playing before me. On the show floor, two game modes were playable. One was a Domination-style capture-the-point mode and the second was Capture the Flag, but the flag was replaced with some other item that didn't really change the mode's gameplay at all.
I took control of Scuttlemuck, a pirate themed hero that also had a Daniel Boone-inspired skin. Other heroes have different skills and strengths and there's 20 to choose from. Zert is a robotic hero with a ton of speed and slightly less health than I was comfortable with for my first time playing the game. Scathe is a big scaly dragon who can push enemies off of platforms with his size, but you'll have to deal with reduced speed too. Scuttlemuck was a nice middle-of-the-road champion with ranged attacks.
His first ability let me set a hunting trap for enemy players who wanted to steal my team's flag. His second ability let me blind an enemy near me and punish in the confusion. The final ability gave Scuttlemuck a big spear that could pierce multiple enemies and push them off of high perches. It might sounds like combining these powers would result in a guaranteed kill, but it's easier said than done.
Certainly Smashmuck Champions gives players the opportunity to become skilled, finesse heroes of the battlefield over time, but it didn't have the same barrier to entry that other MOBAs rely so heavily on. I think a lot of it had to do with the smaller maps, an always-available pop up map that would reveal every player's position, and the lower player count. Teams in the two modes available at PAX were restricted to 3 on 3 and arenas were much smaller than you'd expect for a MOBA.
I immediately likened it to Super Smash Bros. Sure, if you wanna be super technical and learn frame-by-frame combos, you can play Super Street Fighter IV and have an awesome time, but for the rest of us Super Smash Bros. and its bottled chaos was deep enough. I think the same is true of Smashmuck Champions. Experienced MOBA players might find it a little shallow, but it's set up to do an excellent job of teaching and familiarizing inexperienced players with MOBA mechanics those other guys might take for granted.
Selecting skills and heroes, controlling specific areas of the battlefield, and smartly pursuing objectives requires a lot more experience in Dota 2 or LoL. Hardcore players who've already learned the ins and outs don't have the patience to teach newbies like me, so Smashmuck Champions will provide a much needed step-up program for people interested in the competitive MOBA phenomenon.
Curious? You can try the game for yourself right now. Head to to sign up for an account. You can download the client and start playing right now, whether you're an experienced MOBA maven or someone interested in the scene and too shy to ask for help (don't bother, the childish gamers who currently excel at MOBAs will just scream at you anyway). Even if you're reluctant to sign up at the Kiz Studios site, Smashmuck Champions will be available on Steam next week. It's a totally free-to-play game and only certain cosmetic items are paid for. You can earn most of the game's content by playing, leveling up, and earning in-game currency so if you've got the time to kill, download the game and give it a shot.
And before you attack me in the comments for talking crap about MOBA players, consider exactly what you're about to type before you reinforce the stereotype I've laid out in this preview. I don't think there'd be an audience for Smashmuck Champions if it weren't for the horrible reputation Dota and League communities have established. My sentiment is just that: a stereotype. Try to prove me wrong while I do my best to learn the ropes in Smashmuck's beta.
Tags: Studios, Steve, Online, Evil, Street, Says, Battle, While, Help, Down, League, Multiplayer, Battle Arena, Arena, Fighter, Street Fighter, Legends, Zero, Capture, MORE, Other, Smart
| Why too many MOBA games are a big waste of time
Added: 22.08.2013 19:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Opinion piece on why the influx of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games are bad for the industry.
| News: Dead Island: Epidemic is a free-to-play zombie MOBA
Added: 07.08.2013 14:55 | 19 views | 0 comments
Three teams fight for survival in Deep Silver's Zombie Online Multiplayer Battle Arena game.
Dead Island: Epidemic sees three teams fighting against each other in a "desperate fight for survival", and is said to feature "all the trademark elements that are part of a Dead Island experience".
It isn't yet known who is developing the title, or whether Dead Island creator Techland is developing it in tandem with Warner Bros' Dying Light.
More on Dead Island: Epidemic will be announced at Gamescom later this month.
Source: Deep Silver press release
Tags: Online, Dead, Battle, Silver, Deep Silver, Island, Dead Island, Zombie, Multiplayer, Battle Arena, Arena, Most, MORE, Techland, Warner
| Price drop: $4 off Skylanders Giants Battle Arena, now only $35.88
Added: 19.07.2013 5:22 | 31 views | 0 comments
Save $4 on Skylanders Giants Battle Arena! The price of Skylanders Giants Battle Arena has been dropped by $4, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.
| Gi - Ultimate Battle Arena (iOS) Review
Added: 03.07.2013 2:16 | 26 views | 0 comments
Gi - Sometimes you just need to remind your friends how superior you are at gaming then them. When that time comes and you dont have a console at hand, this is the game to do it with. Ultimate Battle Arena is one of the newest offerings in the iOS App Store, developed by Marek Unucka to be his first title published on Apples distribution platform. A simple but fun time waster, this game allows for a variety of mini-games to be played solo or with friends without the necessity of each having their own device.
| Four games bringing League of Legends' gameplay to mobile
Added: 09.06.2013 3:15 | 12 views | 0 comments
If you're reading this article, we assume you know what a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game is.
If you don't, MOBA is a game genre, based on the acronym Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.
It's a action real-time strategy thing that started with StarCraft...
Just check Wikipedia.
What's interesting about it is that PC game League of Legends has racked up 70 million registered players a...
| Infinite Crisis Joins MLG Family, Showing Off At E3
Added: 31.05.2013 2:09 | 18 views | 0 comments
It looks like Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is going full steam ahead with its upcoming Massive Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, Infinite Crisis. Today, the publisher announced that it will be partnering with Major League Gaming to bring the new title to the eSport audience, beginning with a big showing at this years E3.
Tags: Online, Infinite, Battle, Gaming, League, Major, Battle Arena, Arena, Interactive, Crisis, Warner
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